Im going to review every game Ive ever played and rate them on a scale of 1 to 5. I'll also be discussing games that have yet to be released.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Uncharted 2

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

State of Emergency

Heavenly Sword


Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Resident Evil 5

Gameplay was great the reaction time seemed a bit sluggish but workable. The guns were great and at fully upgraded were able to tear through any opponent. The one noticeable change in the series was that there was no apparent lack of ammo and the series is heading more towards action horror rather than survival horror but games are allowed to evolve as they progress thats what makes them great.
The last thing I'd like to point out is that Mercenaries is back and better than ever. This part of the game was a real selling point. Mercenaries is an extra part of the game that allows you to kill as many enemies as you can with a set time limit, this part of the game has infinite playback. Mercenaries was not only fun but you the better you did the more maps and characters and weapons that became available. In the end campaign was not only solid and well put together but so were the extras that came along. Jrad give a very sturdy 5 out of 5.
Medal of Honor

Golden axe: beast rider

Shadow of he Colossus



The Mark of Kri

Flashback: The Quest for Identity

Surprisingly for a game made in 1992 the fluid animation of the pixels are outstanding. The running, jumping and climbing aspects of the game make it look more like a solid Playstation 1 game. The gameplay is great and there are tons of puzzels. Its a great game for its age. So if you still have a Snes or Sega....Get it! ....Jrad gives it a 4 out of 5 just because of how good it is for its age!
Crysis 2

But thats about all it had going for it. campaign was sloppy, I felt like you were always following after someone the entire time. There was upgrades to the suit that I dont think I ever used. My interest in beating the game seem to just wander. So I decided to venture on over to multiplayer.
In the beginning it was fun! A lot of fun. Most of the matches are based on skill of stealth, and stealth kills are great, but the transition in and out of stealth drains all your energy so you have to be precise. The killstreaks were a nice addition but my favorite is sneaking up on a few enemies and ground smashing on them for a nice double kill. Again multiplayer is fun but not substantial enough to keep my intrest. Jrads final decision 4 out of 5..... borrow from a friend if they have it. Play it then give it back.

The fighting would get repetitious but intermixed are great cut-scenes and tons of puzzles and side quests. The visuals were also outstanding and had some very creative characters such as massive rock giants that were used as gates and could only be moved if you blew some crazy skull horn in its face.
Jrad gives the game a solid 5 out of 5 for beautiful art direction thanks to comic artist Joe Mad and fluid gameplay and amazing animations.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Tomb Raider

Now in 2011 we hear your going to do it again and bring her back revitalized. At first I was weary but after seeing the trailer I am all giddy with joy! Just the sight of her has me
all Nimbly-pimby. This new Lara seems to more based on survival and Lara herself rather than finding treasure, shooting extinct animals and hopefully no arch-nemesis with bat-like wings.
The only thing I'm afraid of is if crystal dynamics and square enix try to hard to be like the Uncharted franchise. Hopefully this newly reinvented Lara will have what it takes to bring the series back to the top. J-rads final verdict....Tomb Raider 2012 looks like a must buy!

Unreal Tournament 3

Don't get me wrong even offline is fun but the game gets real amazing once you connect! First you have the ability to fully customize the looks of your character from three different groups of human, alien and uh.... alien, then you get to play your choice of game and there is a lot, death-match, capture the flag, warfare and team based games. I really like this game because all the weapons are already on the map and you could potentially pick up every weapon on the map and have them at all times, which allows you to be very versatile when taking on your opponents. The weapons in this game are also very interesting and different than other shooters out. There are bio grenade launchers, shotguns, RPG's, and even plasma rifles. Each weapon even has a secondary shot which allows you to use the weapon in unique ways to get your target.
My one qualm is that there is no rank system or stat tracker which I feel is a major selling point for an online multiplayer game. If online multiplayer style games are your thing then this is a must buy. I rate the game a 3 out of 5 for a nearly nonexistent single-player and a lack of rank system. Avoid this game if your not a fan of multi-player shooters.
Red Dead Redemption

This game is a lot like GTA but I loved it twice as much. The story was in-depth, the graphics were flawless and the game-play was never-ending fun, especially the ability to slow down time to pick and choose your shots! (dead-eye). The game not only tells you of Johns life but shows you all the struggles he goes through. Traveling on his trusty steed you are able to discover and investigate much of the southern US and Mexico and hunt many animals along the way including buffalos and bears, who dosent want to shoot a bear and skin it for a rug?.
This Game has so much to offer its not even funny. An in-depth campaign, extremely fun missions and side stories. Multiplayer that allows you to go on raids with your friends or just have shoot outs! But the single best part of this game is the Downloadable Content UNDEAD NIGHTMARE! this additional content is worth buying alone! an additional story that turns all the inhabitants into zombies for a brutal but fun time! This game gets an 6 out of 5 for not only being a great game but for having so much additional content. BUY IT NOW
Muramasa: The Demon Blade

This 2-d side-scrolling ninja theme game was amazing. A lesser known title for the wii but what it lacked in recognition it made up for in pure ingenuity.
The game features the stories of two ronnin and the adventures that follow. Even though it was only 2-d the art direction was wonderful, beautiful backgrounds with prominent images from traditional oriental designs and creative bad guys that include anything from ghosts to monsters, oni, and even the gods themselves.
The game-play does get a little repetitive but the ability to use magic and change between three sword styles makes the repetitive hack and slash much more fun. If your looking for a unique game with some of the best oriental art you have seen than I would choose Muramasa. I give the game a 4 out of 5. If you dont buy it than you should go and find someone who has it and befriend them.
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