This game is a lot like GTA but I loved it twice as much. The story was in-depth, the graphics were flawless and the game-play was never-ending fun, especially the ability to slow down time to pick and choose your shots! (dead-eye). The game not only tells you of Johns life but shows you all the struggles he goes through. Traveling on his trusty steed you are able to discover and investigate much of the southern US and Mexico and hunt many animals along the way including buffalos and bears, who dosent want to shoot a bear and skin it for a rug?.
This Game has so much to offer its not even funny. An in-depth campaign, extremely fun missions and side stories. Multiplayer that allows you to go on raids with your friends or just have shoot outs! But the single best part of this game is the Downloadable Content UNDEAD NIGHTMARE! this additional content is worth buying alone! an additional story that turns all the inhabitants into zombies for a brutal but fun time! This game gets an 6 out of 5 for not only being a great game but for having so much additional content. BUY IT NOW
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