This game was probably my favorite game in the year 2002. An action adventure game with a Disney style but a major dose of blood and gore for the time. The game is actually about a tattoo that when put together creates an evil spell. Unfortunately the tattoo is in seven parts and is found on children. So the main antagonist find the children and takes their tattoos(and their lives). Rau the main character is forced to save the remaining children and kill every thing in his path. I really enjoyed the controls of this game making useing both analog sticks to select you enemies that you were to swing at. In addition to several weapons to choose,a bow and arrow, a sword, a tai( a long spear) and an axe, there are also useful combos to take care of the enemies faster, or to impale the on a pole or reputedly gorge them. Yup pretty gory for the time. The game also relies on stealth to make the game easier, sometimes if you were caught there was a very low chance of survival. This game was not only fun but kept my attention right up to the end...oh yea, there's also zombies. This game receives a solid 5 out of 5 for being far superior for its time and just a beautiful game. BUY IT!
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