From the same team that brought Shadow of the Colossus first brought ICO, a third person puzzler based on a boy that was born with horns thats is locked away in a fortress because his horns are considered a bad omen. The young boy meets the queens daughter Yorda and is bent on saving girl and escaping the island. While escaping the castle the boy and Yorda encounter shadow figures who are trying to hurt you and take back Yorda. To survive the game you have to pass a multitude of puzzles and keep Yorda safe using only a stick. The game is beautiful and one of the most memorable games I can think of. The atmosphere of the game is very dream like and light feeling. One of the most memorable moments is the first time you see Yorda, she's so bright she seems almost ghost like or angelic. This game is defiantly on my top ten list and still stands the tests of time. Jerad's rating 6 out of 5! Get it now
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